Sound Mind Saturday

as received by Deacon Stan Cor;  shared with permission

“For this reason I remind you to stir into flame the gift of God bestowed when my hands were laid on you. The Spirit God has given us is no cowardly spirit but one that makes us strong, loving, & wise. (2 Tim. 1:6-7)”
Another translation declares, “but rather a Spirit of power, love & a sound ordered mind.”
We are to stir into flame the gift of God bestowed on us & not hold back out of fear, negative emotions, feelings of inadequacy, or doubt that God wants to use us & can use us for His purposes as we step out in faith. We who believe in Jesus & are committed to Him & have received the indwelling Holy Spirit have been given gifts. God will work in us & thru us to manifest those gifts. We have been given a Spirit of power, love & a sound ordered mind. Paul declares in 1 Cor. 2:16, “but we have the mind of Christ.”
The Holy Spirit imparts the mind of Christ: to see as He sees perceive as He does to discern clearly as He does. A Spirit of power, love & a sound ordered mind is a powerful gift indeed: the gift of Holy Spirit directed thoughts & emotions. Peaks this truth over yourself:
I have the Spirit of power, love & a sound ordered mind. I have the mind of Christ & I see & discern as Jesus does because the Holy Spirit is in me & at work in me. I am strong in the Lord & in the power of His might. I can do all things in Christ Who strengthens me.

A sound mind in a sound body is a great blessing to have. My Mom asked the Lord that she keep her mind & her eyesight even into her old age. She loved to read her Bible & meditate on what she read.
Jesus was good to her & answered both requests right to the day she died & went home to heaven. This was a blessing to Mom, and also a blessing to all of us family and friends.
Having seen others suffering from dementia or alzheimers, we are even more aware of what a great blessing a sound mind is to both the person & to the family members & friends.
I praise God for a sound mind in a sound body, for eyesight, hearing & mobility. Let us never take these blessings for granted.
The Spirit we have received is the Spirit of power, love & a sound ordered mind. Alleluia!